Simple, Egg Curry with Spicy Rice

Egg Curry Indian Inspired Rice Four Seasons Aldi

I like to mix and match products, as I put quick food into my bowl and get to the bit where I’m eating.  Food cheats means it’s OK to use packets, tins and frozen food – and, usually, a microwave.

This is a microwave meal for one!

For this evening’s meal I decided to use a packet of the Four Seasons Indian Inspired Rice I picked up from Aldi the other evening.  I’d bought it for another reason, but had changed my mind before I got home, so I’d put the packet into the freezer, meaning I had two packs to use up.  The plastic wrapping contains two individually-wrapped packets of indian spice rice.

I thought I’d try this with my usual Food Cheats’ Egg Curry!


  • 1 sachet of Indian inspired rice – or you can use any packet of flavoured rice.
  • 1-2 hard boiled eggs, depending how many you fancy. Today I fancied one.
  • Instant curry granules, or instant curry sauce.

To Make: 

  1. The sachet of spicy rice need to be placed in the microwave without piercing the bag – and then just microwaved for 3 minutes and left to one side for 1 minute.
  2. I used my microwave egg boiler to hard boil my egg, this took 7 minutes on half power.
  3. I boiled some water and used that to mix up 1-2 teaspoons of instant curry granules.
  4. Place the rice in a bowl, slice/halve the boiled eggs and place on top, pour the curry sauce over!