Food Cheats

Rowan Hill Bakery Mediterranean Herb Tortilla Wraps Review

One way to “jazz up” your sandwich wraps and picnic wraps without any extra effort is to buy any one of the ‘flavoured’ tortilla wraps for sale.  This week I found myself picking up a pack of the Rowan Hill Bakery Mediterranean Herb Tortilla Wraps at Lidl.Rowan Hill Bakery Mediterranean Herb Wraps Review

The pack contains 8 wraps and costs £0.65, which means they cost £0.08 (8p) each.  The bag is resealable, with a ziplock style closer.

The wraps are large – and I microwaved them for 10 seconds each side before adding my wrap fillings.

I tend to find tortilla wraps quite chewy and often inedible.  These wraps were a little thinner and so worked well when folded and rolled into a wrap!

Usually I’ll use tortilla wraps to create an alternative to sandwiches, for picnics and lunchboxes – or as a quick pizza base (sometimes I then fold/wrap the hot pizza once it’s cooked).

Hot wraps are a great meal 🙂

How to Prepare a Tortilla

It’s “the norm” to heat up a tortilla, although you can eat them hot or cold, I find just a quick blast in the microwave makes me feel better about using them; it won’t do you any harm if you just use them cold.  You can heat tortillas in one of three ways:

  1. Oven: Preheat the oven to 200C/180C fan. Wrap the tortillas in foil and bake for 8 minutes.
  2. Stove Top: Dry ‘fry’ the tortilla in a hot skillet/frying pan for 7 seconds per side.
  3. Microwave: Microwave for 10-15 seconds each side (I use this method).

Calories in Rowan Hill Tortilla Wraps


I found these tortilla wraps to be a lot less chewy/inedible as other brands I’ve tried.  They rolled up really easily and, once rolled, didn’t then unravel (which is always annoying).

I’d certainly buy them again!  As they have a flavour I might tend to use them mostly with a savoury filling, rather than simple fillings such as cheese and egg though, to be honest.  But if they’re all I’ve got then I’d still eat them  Waste not, want not and all that – we can’t always “choose” what we eat, you have to eat what you’ve got some days!

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