Food Cheats

Giant Yorkshire Pudding Filled with Chicken & Vegetables

Giant Yorkshire Pudding Filled Chicken Vegetables

This giant Yorkshire pudding is filled with roast chicken, fresh steamed vegetables and mashed potato.

I find something very satisfying about giant Yorkshire puddings filled with food – it must be my Inner Pig shouting to get out 🙂

This time I’ve cheated and used Aunt Bessie’s Giant Yorkshire Puddings, which I bought, frozen, from the local supermarket.  It was a packet of two, so takes up a disproportionate amount of freezer space.  I make fabulous Yorkshire puddings myself, but I’ve moved house many times in recent years and have donated a lot of things to charity shops, so I’ve currently not got “the right dish” to make my own giant Yorkshire puddings that are “the best size” for my greedy eyes!  It’s on the list to get the right sized dish soon though.

I’ve used a lot of the usual Food Cheats’ quick ways to cook all of this and it’s been put together using the slow cooker, microwave and mini oven – but it does use fresh vegetables!

Giant Yorkshire Pudding Filled with Chicken & Vegetables

This was very tasty; I should eat this more often!

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