Food Cheats

Duc De Coeur a La Francaise Creme Caramel with Sponge Fingers & Caramel Drops

Duc De Coeur a La Francaise Creme Caramel Sponge Fingers Caramel Drops

This is a dessert purchased on a whim, I love creme caramel and this had those words on the box and I was in the mood to buy something sweet and different, so I went for it! I wasn’t sure what to expect, the box gave it a name of Duc De Coeur a La Francaise Creme Caramel with Sponge Fingers & Caramel Drops.

These packs cost £2.29 at the time of writing, but I’d spotted it with a reduced price sticker on it, so it cost me £1.60… which I was prepared to spend as I was hoping it’d be the best dessert ever 🙂

At 450 grams this isn’t a light option and I knew I had to eat the whole lot, but it appeared to be marked into portions, so felt I could control my eagerness long enough to make it stretch for 3-4 days. There are a lot of calories in the whole box, to be honest… oh well 🙂

How many calories are in the whole packet? The back says there are 279 calories per 100g – and the whole dessert weighs 450 grams, so that’s a total of 1255 calories in the whole box, or 209 calories per portion.

So what’s it like?

The package describes itself as a Vanilla flavoured milk dessert with sponge fingers and caramel drops –
which isn’t very descriptive really…. there’s a little line in the ingredients too that states “This
product contains alcohol”. Strangely, there’s also beef gelatine in there 🙂 I’d not expect either of those,
although they don’t bother me.

The bottom layer is a thin layer of sponge, soaked in liquid – like a tiramisu would be. On top of that is a
fluffy and creamy layer, just like cheesecake topping and on top are little dots of caramel.

Once inside the box I could see it was marked into six portions, so I scooped out the first one. I had to go
back a bit later for a second portion, but that was just because I was in a greedy mood.

And how did it taste?

Well, meh… it was nice enough, but didn’t really taste of much. The texture was nice and creamy but it
really lacked any strong flavour. I certainly didn’t think of it as a nice creme caramel cheesecake, which is what it looked like.

On its own merits I’d not bother again. If I got really stuck for something sweet and if it were reduced in
price I might be tempted at a push, but I can walk past this box again easily enough.

It’s not what we’d call at home “Moreish”. Not moreish at all!  Not a keeper.

But it wasn’t vile.  If I had to grab a quick dessert on my way round to a friend’s house, then I’d consider taking it to a friend’s house, but I’d say “This is OK, nice and creamy but doesn’t really pack a flavour punch”.

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