Food Cheats

10 Minute, Easy Sliced Swede

10 Minute Sliced Swede

This 10 minute easy sliced swede recipe is a great way to quickly cook and serve tasty swede without any fuss, waste or mess. Once cooked, you choose how thick you slice the swede, as the knife slides through it effortlessly. Personally I love chunky sliced swede most of the time, unless I’m serving sliced swede mixed with sliced carrots, when I prefer it a little thinner. You can also make swede cubes using this method. Once it’s cooked, how you chop, dice, or slice it is up to you!

Use Half a Swede or a Whole Swede:

You can use either a whole swede, or cut it in half and just cook half – using one of two methods:

Both of the above methods of cooking swede easily and quickly have their benefits, but if I’m intending to slice a swede then I’ll usually cut the swede in half and microwave the two halves separately. It’s quicker, I can more easily tell when it’s cooked – and it’s easier to peel a half a swede and get a neater result than it is to try to wrestle with a whole hot swede!

Microwave Half Swede

You can serve this immediately, or box it up in a plastic takeaway box/similar and pop it in the fridge. It’ll be fine to eat for 3-4 days – simply microwave for 1-2 minutes to reheat.

Sliced swede can also be frozen. Simply let it cool, wrap it in a freezer bag and toss into the freezer!

Christmas Dinner!

I’ve cooked and boxed this swede up as I think I might want it for Christmas Dinner. I can decide on the day! Until Xmas morning I can rarely decide what’s actually going onto my plate as I won’t know what I fancy 🙂

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