Food Cheats

1 Egg Savoury Crustless Quiche in the Slow Cooker

Savoury Crustless Quiche Served With Chips Beans

I only had one egg and needed to use up some milk that was on its Best Before date, so decided to make a “serves one” savoury crustless quiche in the slow cooker using onion, tomato, cheese and mixed herbs.  You can use any recipe to make a savoury crustless quiche – typically, for me, it’ll be “what do I need to use up?” and in it goes.  Once the mix has been made you can bake it in the oven, microwave it, or use a slow cooker.

Which method I use depends on my mood really – and how soon I want to eat it.  If I want to simply get it on the go now and eat it at some unknown future time “a bit later” … then the slow cooker does a good job.

Here’s a 1 egg savoury crustless quiche I made today.  I’ve used a 1lb loaf tin to cook it this time – I’ll tend to grab whichever dish is closest and I’ve boxed up a lot of my rarely used dishes as I’m moving again shortly, so had already decluttered and packed.

Savoury Crustless Quiche Ingredients:

Savoury Crustless Quiche in the Slow Cooker Method: 

  1. I softened the sliced onions, this is optional – I did this in the microwave oven by spritzing the onion with oil and microwaving onions in a microwave safe dish for 2-3 minutes, checking/stirring every minute, until they were “soft enough”.  The onions then went into the 1lb loaf tin, bought specifically to fit into my 3.5 litre slow cooker!
  2. Slice the cherry tomatoes on top of the onions. Put the cheese on top of the tomatoes.
  3. Mix together the milk, egg, mixed herbs and a pinch of salt and pour slowly over the onion/tomato.
  4. Place the whole dish inside the empty slow cooker. Turn the slow cooker onto high and cook for  about 2 hours.  Test to see it’s set in the middle by poking a knife into the centre and seeing if the knife comes out clean.


You can see this isn’t a large quiche, nor deep – it can be made deeper by using a deeper dish that’s less long… or doubling up the recipe and adding an extra 20 minutes or so to the cooking time.  By the time this was cooked it was dark outside, so the kitchen lighting’s done this photo no favours!

This actually made two portions for me – so I ate savoury crustless quiche, chips and baked beans for two days in a row.  It was utterly scrumptious.  Even though there is no cream in this recipe, it tasted as good and creamy as many a pub lunch quiche I’ve been served in the past!

I would have preferred the quiche to have been deeper, but this was the dish I had to hand today!  It’s all about the taste though isn’t it….. and it was gorgeous.

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