Food Cheats

Quick and Easy Pizza Base for Cheats

A pizza base can be quick and easy to make once you realise it’s just the usual flour/fat mix. There are plenty of cheap packet mixes that make great pizza bases instantly.

You don’t have to buy a pizza base mix either, you can use a packet of dumpling mix to make your pizzas. To be a pizza base it’ll need just a little less water than to be made into dumplings, so measure out the water that the packet says and just be very careful to add only a few drops at a time. Once it looks/feels the right consistency of a pizza base you’ve nailed it!

Once made you can choose what to do next, your options include:

Another alternative is to use naan breads or flatbreads as your base. Simply top them and place in a pre-heated oven for 10-15 minutes, until the cheese has melted and browned.


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