Food Cheats

Pukka Pie Served with Chantenay Carrots, Peas, Mash & Bisto Gravy

Pukka Pie Chantenay Carrots Peas Instant Mash Bisto Gravy
Another day of British Pie Week and another slice of the pie! After yesterday’s pretty poor efforts with serving vegetables with my Pukka pie, I made a little more effort and used Chantenay carrots and peas – with mash and Bisto gravy.

Again, I cooked the pie in the toaster oven, in 20 minutes, on the bottom shelf in a dish. The side vegetables were cooked in the following ways:

Total time to cook and get it plated was 25 minutes from start to finish!

I always keep peas in the freezer and I’d bought the Chantenay carrots from one of the budget supermarkets on their Offers of the Week at 65p/500 grams, so they needed using up.  Carrots kept wrapped in foil in the fridge last longer than other methods I’ve found of storing them, so they have lasted quite well.

10 a Day
This is a bit better than yesterday, with two portions of that mythical 10 a day we’re supposed to be having!

Menu Cost:

The pie was 50p, the vegetables, mash and gravy added under 30p to the cost. This definitely cost less than 80p in any case. Bit of a bargain when you consider a single Pukka pie could cost £1 on its own if bought individually!

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