Food Cheats

New Eatwell Guide from Public Health England

NHS Eat Well Guide 2016

Not being one for healthy eating, I’m afraid I find a lot of it confusing.  Earlier today Public Health England published their new “Plate” – this is the theoretical list of what you should be eating every day for a healthy lifestyle – and it’s their “new plate”, so they’ve replaced the “old plate”.  Yeah, right.  So, first you overwhelm me and confuse me and, if I’d got to grips with that, it’s now “all change” as they changed their minds 🙂

Over the years there’s been so much press, good and bad, about every food type known – followed by a change of mind or a retraction within 1-2 years.  So I’ve always stuck with eating what I know and what I like.

My food tastes are mostly retro foods, the food I was brought up with in the 1970s really.  Food moved on, I didn’t.  Additionally, I am always cooking for one.  Shopping for one, menu planning for one, cooking for one – and then having to do all the clearing up and washing up afterwards (no dishwasher).  So, in the main, by now I’m fed up with food and so I eat what I like and when I like it.  “A little bit of what you fancy does you good” I was told as I was growing up, so that’s how I eat.  Little and often.

I KNOW I should eat more fruit and more vegetables, but I don’t.  There’s no joy in eating foods that are simply depressing…. and, to counter that, I eat little because I don’t want to be overweight.  So I’ll eat a pie – but not every day.

So, what’s on this “new plate” by Public Health England? 

Overall, I don’t do as badly as some people might think when they look through what/how I eat 🙂

I must be doing something right, I’m still here!

You can read more about it here: NHS Eat Well Guide

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