Food Cheats

Flan Dish Quiche Lorraine Recipe, Vintage Retro Cooking

Flan Dish Quiche Lorraine Recipe Vintage Retro

I’ve been sorting out the dishes and kitchenware I’ve not used for some time – so it can be relegated to the box where I keep unused items “in case” – and one item I’m relegating is an old flan dish I’ve had over 30 years that has a Quiche Lorraine recipe printed on it.  Years ago, these dishes would make great decorative items in the kitchen, these days they’re more often found at the back of the cupboard.

This is a vintage/retro recipe and it’s simple, but I don’t think I’ll be making it again this year!  There’s only so much quiche I can eat without becoming the size of a planet, so this flan dish will go into the big box of unused kitchenware!

So, I thought I’d type up the recipe here, for anybody that is looking for this recipe.  I’m sure a lot of people’s mums cooked their first Quiche Lorraine from a simple recipe and this could be the one!

A Quiche Lorraine is an easy dish to make for any party, buffet, celebration or salad meal – and they’re a good way to use up leftover ham at Christmas and New Year.

Personally, I’m not really one for cooking with bacon at all, while I’m happy enough to eat a slice of quiche Lorraine if there are no other choices, I’m more likely to head for a plain Cheese & Onion Quiche or a Herb-based quiche.  However, the basic recipe’s the same when it comes to the eggs/milk mix, all you do is change the contents.

Quiche Lorraine Ingredients:


  1. Roll out pastry and use to line the flan dish. Trim away excess pastry and prick the base with a fork.
  2. Prepare filling by melting butter in a frying pan and frying onion until softened. Grill bacon until cooked and drain well. Place the cooked bacon and onion evenly in the base of the pastry case and cover with the grated cheese. Beat the eggs and add to the milk, season with freshly ground black pepper and pour over the filling. Decorate with sliced tomatoes.
  3. Bake for 30 minutes at Gas Mark 4, 400°F, 200°C for a further 10 minutes until just set and golden.
  4. Serve hot or cold with jacket potatoes and green salad.


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