Food Cheats

Easy Microwave Scrambled Eggs

Breakfast Toast Baked Beans Scrambled Eggs

It’s easy to microwave scrambled eggs.  It’s faster than using a saucepan and creates less washing up.  I’ve always made microwave scrambled eggs as I find it easier than using a saucepan!   With just the following tips you can whip up scrambled eggs easily, cleanly and faultlessly every time!

Scrambled eggs on toast, with a splash of brown sauce is one of my filling and frugal breakfast meals! A real comfort food and fast snack.

Where most people go wrong is they whisk up the eggs, put them into the microwave, turn the dial and walk away …. then wonder why they ended up with a solid lump of shoe leather instead of soft, fluffy, scrambled eggs.  This is an easy way to make microwave scrambled eggs that come out perfect every time.

So, here’s how to do it properly:

  1. Whisk up your eggs as usual.  I use a small Pyrex jug for a lot of my microwave cooking, or mugs. A jug is perfect to make scrambled eggs in the microwave – or a mug, it really depends on the quantity being cooked..  I find round dishes work best – jugs and mugs have a handy handle.
  2. Place the jug/mug in the microwave oven and set for 1-2 minutes in the first instance.  Don’t walk away, watch what they’re doing.  As the eggs form and rise in your dish, take them out and give them a stir.
  3. To stir them effectively run a fork round the inside of the sides, then use the edge of the fork to chop up any formed lumps of cooked egg, then turn the mixture over.
  4. Return the egg to the microwave and microwave in 30 second bursts, stirring/chopping/turning each time.
  5. Once they’re cooked to the consistency you  like, get a knob of butter/margarine on a fork and run that round the edge of the egg, then chop/fold the scrambled egg as you’re mixing the butter in.

You should find that none of the egg has stuck to the dish and you can simply rinse it out and put it in soak until later!

Scrambled Eggs on Toast is a great and filling meal for breakfast, lunch or an evening snack.   Two scrambled eggs on toast can cost as little as £0.20 by using supermarket own label products, so they always go on my Living Below the Line menu ideas.

Menu Cost:

Two pieces of toast £0.04, two eggs £0.14.


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